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Voip News.

The power of imagination is unlimited.

Are you worried about telephone line changes due by 2025?

You needn’t be – find out how your business will benefit!

There has been A LOT of scaremongering surrounding BT Openreach’s announcement that traditional landline phone lines will be turned off in 2025.

Yes, we will all face a transition. Yes, everyone will have to change. No, you needn’t be worried.

There will be no pain – only gain!

BT’s decision to turn off traditional copper phone lines (known as PSTN/’home phone standard landlines’) is a sensible one. Copper phone lines have been around for decades and have served a purpose. However, copper deteriorates over time, requiring regular maintenance, but more importantly, these old lines can’t cope with the demands of modern work and home life.

The Internet Age

Traditional phone lines simply aren’t designed for the barrage of use that we all demand.

The internet has come to both dominate and enhance our lives on many levels. Businesses (as well as individuals) have become significantly more reliant on the internet throughout the pandemic. Changes that have occurred over the past 18 months are with us for good. Now is the time to ensure our business systems are up to the job.

What do we change to?

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is the way forward. By 2025 the intention is that all old phone lines will have been replaced by fibre allowing VoIP to provide us with far greater telephony capabilities.

Why stop at Voice Calls

VoIP does what it says on the tin – delivers voice calls over the internet. However, there are options to update your broadband and telephony provision at the same time, allowing many other vital business facilities to be accessed. Also benefit from video conferencing, instant messaging, file sharing, calendar syncing, worldwide usage and call transfer via apps.

Why wait?

2025 will likely see the end of traditional phone lines. On a date, yet to be set by BT Openreach, PSTN and ISDN (digital systems that use the copper lines) will be switched off. Rest assured that you WILL NOT be left high and dry. You WILL have a phone and internet service – BT will have made sure of that. However, you may have been forced to adapt at pace – a pace dictated to by BT, and you may have incurred unnecessary charges demanded as things ‘hot up’.

It’s also worth noting that 16 million lines have already been changed over the past 6 years. If you’re on the BT Openreach hit list you could be forced to make the transition sooner rather than later.

By proactively making the transition from PSTN/ISDN to an internet-based solution using fibre now, you’ll reap a host of benefits. Plus, you’ll have made the transition at a pace and time that suits you.

What will give you the best functionality?

SoGEA by VoIP Unlimited offers ‘Single Order Generic Ethernet Access’ – in other words, broadband which doesn’t need a telephone line. SoGEA, combined with VoIP, will enrich your business capabilities, make you more competitive and enhance working conditions for staff.

Cost savings

Save your line rental charges by transitioning. VoIP isn’t just better, it’s also cheaper. You could save up to a third of your current telephony charges!

Scale with ease

As your business grows it will be far easier to accommodate change. Bandwidth will cope with surges during peak times. Additionally, new sites and branches can use the network that’s already set up – no need to purchase more equipment.

Ditch the handset…

Yes, you may love your handset, in which case keep it! But if you’d rather use your mobile or laptop for a call, feel free! Yes, we all need a work/life balance, but if you’re working on 4g in the Maldives, or the hotel wifi you’ll still have the full range of telephony at your fingertips. Island working is no longer just for Richard Branson!

Flexibility is key

Hybrid working is here to stay and many of us have loved the flexibility offered. The 9 to 5 mould does not fit everyone, in fact, most of us prefer to work when and where we feel most productive. So, yes, VoIP allows us to turn on, but also to turn off – our VoIP Exchange app, for example, allows us to set working times and keeps our mobile number private.

Want to benefit from VoIP now?

Changing from PSTN and ISDN to SoGEA and our VoIP Exchange provision is straightforward.

At Voip Unlimited we’ve been helping customers make the transition from PTSN for over 15 years.

Get in touch to discuss your business requirements and growth plans. We’ll run through the options available. Once you’re happy that you have had all your questions answered we’ll set a date for transition. All you need to be aware of is that you will experience up to just 30 minutes of downtime. You’ll then be in a position to benefit from the phenomenal internet connectivity, voicecalls and the plethora of telephony products that help make businesses thrive.

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